PLEASE read Adopting a puppymill dog! Prior to filling out the application! Thank you!
Please copy and paste and email to - or fax it to 785-742-3913 after 4:30 pm PST click here to download application Boston Terrier Puppymill rescue adoption application CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Street Address: City: State/Province: Country: Zip/Postal Code: Ph - Day: Ph - Eve: Best Time To Call: E-mail Address: ADOPTION INFORMATION How long have you been at your present address?: Do you own or rent?: * Renters must attach a copy of your lease or notarized statement from your landlord stating that a pet of this size is permitted. If you move, what will you do with your adopted Rescue?: Will you agree to a home check prior to approval? If no, explain: Occupation: Where will the pet be kept during the day?: Where will the pet be kept at night?: Where will the pet be kept when no one is at home?: How long will the pet be left alone each day?: How many adults live in your household?: What are their ages?: How many children?: What are their ages?: Will there be children visiting?: Who will be responsible for caring for this animal?: Exercise and elimination will be: (Check all that apply) In Exercise Pen or Run?: On Lead?: On Chain or Trolley?: Totally Enclosed Fenced Yard?: Partially Fenced Area?: Electronic/Radio Fence?: Loose in Unfenced Yard?: Indoor Area (Papers, etc.)?: Please list all pets you currently own or have owned in the past five years: (If none, include pets owned during your adult life) #1. Type: (Dog, Cat, Breed) Age: Gender Spayed/Neutered?: Where is it Now?: #2. Type: (Dog, Cat, Breed) Age: Gender: Spayed/Neutered?: Where is it Now?: #3. Type: (Dog, Cat, Breed) Age: Gender: Spayed/Neutered?: Where is it Now?: If you have ever had a pet lost or die at an early age or because of an accident, please give details: Have you ever given a pet up?: If yes, please explain the circumstances: How much do you expect to spend on this animal each year?: (Include food, vet care, boarding, licensing, grooming, etc) Do you prefer a Male or Female?: Does the sex of the rescue matter?: Desired Age?: Would you consider a dog more than 3 years of age?: More than 6 years of age?: More than 10 years of age?: Will you consider a dog that is not housebroken?: Has health problems?: Is appearance or size important?: If yes, please explain: Do you agree to return this dog to Boston Terrier Rescue if you are unable to keep it for any reason?: REFERENCE INFORMATION Name and phone of Veterinarian: Please list two other references we may contact regarding this adoption: #1. Name: Relationship: Phone: Best Time to Call?: #2. Name: Relationship: Phone: Best Time to Call?: